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Military History Articles

There’s no way around it; history has been shaped by the outcome of innumerable wars and battles fought over everything from religion to territorial disputes to outright revenge over a perceived injustice. Learning about these conflicts is vital to understanding the world we live in today.

Our military coverage spans the ancient world through the Cold War. Discover epic medieval clashes, or fierce battles that caused entire ancient civilizations to crumble. Examine the political intricacies of sprawling conflicts like the Seven Years’ War or the War of Spanish Succession. Explore the devastation of the World Wars, or the fresh conflicts they left in their wake.

There’s also the fascinating evolution of weapons from the Stone Age through the nuclear arms race, as well as the changing military theories and strategies (or lack thereof) powering key decisions. Or you can discover a unique study of how contagious diseases have impacted the outcome of every war in America’s history, from skirmishes with Native Americans to 20th-century biological warfare. 

True stories about the people who fought these conflicts put a human face to the cost of war. You can learn about the Soviet Union’s Night Witches (an all-female regiment of fighter pilots), discover the Mapuche people’s centuries-long military resistance against the Spanish conquistadors, or read war books written by those who were actually there. Whatever draws you into military history, we’re exploring every angle of the conflicts that caused empires to rise and fall, reshaping our world in the process.


10 Most Influential World War II Battles

These military conflicts affected the outcome of the war—and some even changed the face of warfare forever.

Schoolteacher Louise Thuliez Became a Key Resistance Fighter in 2 World Wars

Driven to help, Louise Thuliez aided underground networks in France despite facing an all-too-real threat of execution.

10 Everyday Objects that Doubled as Real Spy Gadgets

These historical gadgets could be smuggled right under the enemy's nose.

10 Ancient Battles That Shook Civilizations

From brilliant victories to unpredictable military upsets, these conflicts stunned the ancient world.

What was Life Like Under German Occupation of the British Channel Islands?

Once a forbidden subject, recent years have begun to bring details of a dark time to light.

The Strange Connection Between the Nuclear Bomb, Bikinis, and Godzilla

Real devastation, fictional monsters, and a swimsuit all collided in the Pacific Ocean.

The Mapuche People's Centuries-Long Resistance Against the Spanish

This indigenous tribe refused to succumb to imperialist rule.

Thrilling Military Must-Reads That Cover Historical and Modern Conflict

These military books will take you back to some of the most thrilling combat zones throughout history.

These Essential Authors Were Shaped By Their Time in War

Time on or near the front lines shaped these authors' lives and work.

The 5 Most Humiliating Defeats In Military History

Superior numbers sometimes just mean a chance at superior embarrassment.

The Unbelievable Tales of History’s Most Unlikely Victories

These three battles shaped the fate of the world—especially because their results were so shocking.

2020’s Best Biographies Spanned Centuries and Explored Vital Figures

This year's finest biographies brought fresh insight to previously trodden lives and uncovered those that history has forgotten.