Military History Articles

There’s no way around it; history has been shaped by the outcome of innumerable wars and battles fought over everything from religion to territorial disputes to outright revenge over a perceived injustice. Learning about these conflicts is vital to understanding the world we live in today.

Our military coverage spans the ancient world through the Cold War. Discover epic medieval clashes, or fierce battles that caused entire ancient civilizations to crumble. Examine the political intricacies of sprawling conflicts like the Seven Years’ War or the War of Spanish Succession. Explore the devastation of the World Wars, or the fresh conflicts they left in their wake.

There’s also the fascinating evolution of weapons from the Stone Age through the nuclear arms race, as well as the changing military theories and strategies (or lack thereof) powering key decisions. Or you can discover a unique study of how contagious diseases have impacted the outcome of every war in America’s history, from skirmishes with Native Americans to 20th-century biological warfare. 

True stories about the people who fought these conflicts put a human face to the cost of war. You can learn about the Soviet Union’s Night Witches (an all-female regiment of fighter pilots), discover the Mapuche people’s centuries-long military resistance against the Spanish conquistadors, or read war books written by those who were actually there. Whatever draws you into military history, we’re exploring every angle of the conflicts that caused empires to rise and fall, reshaping our world in the process.


Victory at Sea: The Dramatic Rise and Fall of Naval Powers During World War II

Historian Paul Kennedy chronicles the emergence of a new world order.

The Last Charge of the Bicycle Brigade

The humble bicycle had a suprisingly important role in both world wars.

The Dead Man Who Duped Hitler: The Beyond Bizarre Tale of WWII’s Strangest Operation

Now a major motion picture starring Colin Firth, Operation Mincemeat involved a corpse, a fake fiancée, and the successful invasion of Sicily.

The Ghost Dance War: A Violent Response to Native American Resistance

An infamous massacre followed a Native American religious revival.

How the Battle of the Coral Sea Set the Stage for the Allied Victory at Midway

The Japanese won the battle, but their advances into the Pacific were halted.

How Martha Gellhorn Became the Only Woman to Land on Normandy Beach

The accomplished war correspondent was determined to see the action.

The Battle of Fort Sumter Ignited the Civil War

When peace talks failed, this federal property tipped our divided nation into its bloodiest conflict.

12 Inspiring Books About POWs

These stories remind us that hope can triumph over anything.

4 Books to Help You Understand the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Go deeper into the historical and political reasons for Russia's invasion.

Your Handy Viewing Guide to Military Episodes of The Simpsons

The long-running sitcom that lampoons American life has focused on warfare more than once.

5 Bloodless Wars That Were Resolved Without Violence

These curious conflicts lacked one crucial element: actual fighting.

The Seven Years’ War Was the First Truly Global Conflict

Britain and France battled for world supremacy, drawing in numerous other nations.

9 Wartime Pocket Manuals That Put You in a Soldier's State of Mind

These how-to guides will instantly transport you back in time.

9 Essential Facts About the Attack on Pearl Harbor

Read up on the surprise military strike that catapulted America into WWII.