Amid food shortages, even wolves had trouble finding their next meal.
"It takes more courage to marry than to go to war."
They were imprisoned in the Tower of London as young children, but what happened next is unclear.
Age is just a number.
Exploring the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history.
The history of women presidential candidates dates back to the 1870s.
A supernatural crime was still subject to due process—even if the verdict was usually guilty.
For hours, the two ships blasted away at each other at so close a range they collided five times.
These documentaries provide insight into the political and daily realities of war.
If there is one general that could be considered as having single-handedly lost the Civil War for the Confederates, it’s John Bell Hood.
Trapped in Japan during World War II, this American citizen faced an uphill battle to return home.
They archived Black history and broke barriers along the way.
Powdered skulls and gruesome remedies abounded in early modern Europe.
These satirical drawings reveal the debates that dominated bygone eras.
His impassioned allegations of communism made him the face of the Red Scare.
The CIA explored the possibility of mind control on individuals without their consent.