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Travel the world via historical sites that will occupy your mind, eyes, and body. From places frozen in the past like Chernobyl to those with history and present layered atop one another, you'll find new views here.

11 Binge-Worthy Podcasts About Fraud

You will not believe the fraudacity of some people.

6 Moments in Sports History That Went Beyond the Game

Unforgettable instances in which sports changed the world.

Your Handy Viewing Guide to Military Episodes of The Simpsons

The long-running sitcom that lampoons American life has focused on warfare more than once.

5 Bloodless Wars That Were Resolved Without Violence

These curious conflicts lacked one crucial element: actual fighting.

The Six Wives of Henry VIII

These women are fascinating figures in their own right.

The German Peasants’ War: A Bloody 16th-Century Uprising

Fed up with their working conditions, the serfs rebelled en masse.

The Chimp That Was Launched Into Space

Ham the Astrochimp, as he came to be called, paved the way for human spaceflight.

The Importance of FDR’s Fireside Chats

These evening radio addresses revolutionized the relationship between the president and the American people.

The Bold Life of Nellie Bly, Journalist and Adventurer

Her many achievements include pioneering a new kind of investigative journalism.

8 Stunning Gothic Castles That You Can Visit

Built during the Middle Ages, these castles are still standing today.

The Seven Years’ War Was the First Truly Global Conflict

Britain and France battled for world supremacy, drawing in numerous other nations.

8 Books About the Turn of the 20th Century

Explore an era of great development and change.

3 Infamous Pretenders to the Throne

These may be the strangest cases of claims to power.