The Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation played an important role in European history.
Living during a tumultuous era of German history, they looked to the stories of the past.
Learn more about the connections that have changed the world forever.
The trombone player and conductor led one of the most successful bands of his era before he vanished.
Deepen your understanding of history.
Chuck Taylor isn't just a brand icon.
He witnessed the war unfold in real time—and shared it with the world.
The movie overlooks the third Delta sniper who was aboard Super Six-Two, Sgt. 1st Class Brad Halling.
You can’t go wrong with these highly acclaimed reads.
She went to great lengths to join the British Army and the Royal Marines.
The Mexican artist who mastered the art of turning pain into power.
From ancient Asia to contemporary America, Buddhism has a rich history.
The 11-man crew of Heaven Can Wait was shot down by enemy fire.
From 1900 to the postwar years, Churchill was acquainted with 11 US presidents.
Discover the history behind the religions that have shaped humanity.
Britain and Iceland engaged in conflict over fishing rights for decades.