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American History Articles

This page is dedicated to exploring the home of the stars and stripes. The United States of America may be less than three centuries old, but there’s a lot of history packed in those years.

It all began with the British colonies that were established in the early 17th century. From the still-unsolved disappearance of the Roanoke colony to the real historical figure of Pocahontas to the story of the first Thanksgiving, early America is frequently mythologized. We’re here to cut through the noise and tell you what really transpired during those early harsh years in the New World.

Everything changed with the opening shot fired at the battles of Lexington and Concord, known as the “shot heard round the world”. The first military engagements of the Revolutionary War, these conflicts led to the independence of the United States and inspired waves of rebellion elsewhere. Whether you’re interested in key battles of the American Revolution, little-known facts, books, or true stories—such as the surprising role of Black soldiers or the significance of Valley Forge—there’s no shortage of knowledge to be had about this key event in American history. 

Of course, we’d be remiss not to dive into America’s other key military engagements, from the Civil War that nearly tore the young nation apart over the issue of slavery to accounts of Vietnam. Along the way, explore stories that encapsulate the American experience through various eras, such as conflict with Native Americans, westward expansion, the Great Depression, and the struggle for equality. See the past through a whole new lens with our stories about American history.


Estevanico, the First African Man to Explore the Americas

His contribution to various expeditions has been largely overlooked.

10 Eccentric Historical Laws

Some of these shocking mandates are still on the books.

[CLOSED] GIVEAWAY: Win a Set of David McCullough Books About Great Achievements in American History

Together with Simon & Schuster, we’re hosting a sweepstakes with 3 grand prize winners.

8 Riveting New History Books for Fall 2022

Be the first to watch history unfold with these insightful upcoming releases.

8 Must-Read Economics Books

Money makes the world go round—but how exactly does our economy function?

6 Fossil Hunters Who Dug Up Clues From the Past

Their discoveries changed our perception of prehistory.

11 Enlightening Books About Colonial America

Discover new perspectives on early immigration, colonial cuisine, pirates, and more.

7 Elvis Presley Books That Explore the Man Beyond the Cultural Icon

A look from every angle at the complicated man behind the music legend.

American History Myths Are Unraveled in This Charming Read

Debunking far-fetched tales that we've believed in for far too long.

James A. Garfield and William McKinley: The Other Assassinated Presidents

Their deaths are less talked about than Lincoln and Kennedy, but no less important.

What Happened During the Great Chicago Fire?

An enduring myth posits that a cow was to blame.

The Last Witchcraft Trial in the U.S.

Nearly 200 years after the original Salem witch trials, the same town saw allegations resurface.