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Travel the world via historical sites that will occupy your mind, eyes, and body. From places frozen in the past like Chernobyl to those with history and present layered atop one another, you'll find new views here.

10 Must-Read Cold War Books

30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, look back at the conflict that defined a generation.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: The Story Behind the Lakota Massacre

Memorialize the lives lost at Wounded Knee with the story behind Dee Brown's iconic work.

The First Aerial Bombing Run Was Made by the Italian Army

Bombing by balloon had been outlawed by the Hague Convention of 1899, but Italian forces found a workaround.

19 Essential Civil War Books

Explore the history of America's deadliest conflict with gripping fiction and nonfiction.

Black Tuesday: 1929's Stock Market Crash Signaled the Great Depression's Start

The Day the Bubble Burst examines one of the greatest financial disasters—the 1929 stock market crash—through the eyes of those involved.

A Sixth Grade History Project Exonerated the Captain of the USS Indianapolis

Court-martialed after the sinking of the cruiser, Captain McVay's innocence was proven by Hunter Scott in 1996.

Japan's Attempt to Recreate Pearl Harbor Failed at the Battle of Midway

December 7 may be a date which will live in infamy, but in June 1942, the tides turned.

8 Essential Texts About Napoleon Bonaparte and the Napoleonic Wars

Dive into some of history's greatest battles and the life of one its most famous generals.

18 World War 2 Movies Every History Buff Should Watch

Some of our best films draw inspiration from the global conflict.

4 Women Earned Silver Stars in the Same WWII Battle

Mary Roberts, Elaine Roe, Virginia Rourke, and Ellen Ainsworth continued to save lives even as mortar shells rained down around them.

These 5 Brothers Were Heroes Of The American Revolution

The Butler family's contributions made our nation's birth possible.

How America’s First Domestic Tax Almost Ended the Nation

Just 15 years after the Declaration of Independence, a federal tax was the foment of the Whiskey Rebellion.

Meet the Mercy Dogs of World War I

Support dogs have a long-standing history that might surprise you.

10 Civil War Battles That Shaped America's Bloodiest Conflict

From 1861 to 1865, these battles determined the fate of the United States.

Punk Rock and Politics Collide in 1970s East Germany

Punks destroyed their jeans, their shirts...and the power structures that surrounded them.