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Travel the world via historical sites that will occupy your mind, eyes, and body. From places frozen in the past like Chernobyl to those with history and present layered atop one another, you'll find new views here.

This Is The Biggest Victory Natives Scored Against The Colonials

Westward expansion wasn't a simple matter of packing your bags and moving out.

This First-Hand Account Brings You Inside the Hotel Rwanda

According to the hit film, Hôtel des Mille Collines was a refuge during the Rwandan Genocide. One of its residents claims otherwise in this memoir.

10 Epic Medieval Battles That Shaped History and the World's Borders

Medieval battle was a bloody, vicious business. These battles changed the course of history.

10 World War II Propaganda Posters: From Patriotic to Peculiar

Uncover iconic illustrations that helped fuel national opinion during World War II.

How War Pigeons Changed the Course of Battle–and History

The much-maligned birds were some of the most important combatants in World War I and II.

World War II Dive Bombers Whistled Only To Scare Civilians

That iconic, terrifying sound wasn't necessary to the functioning of an airplane.

[CLOSED] Get Inspired by 10 Women Who Changed Science and the World

Five lucky winners will get a copy of the new collection by Catherine Whitlock and Rhodri Evans.

8 Powerful Korean War Books that Capture the Conflict

These dynamic critiques, vivid memoirs, and clearsighted military histories illuminate the Forgotten War.

One Of The First Two Female FBI Agents Got Her Start In The Marines

Susan Roley Malone had cherished the ideal of working for the Bureau long before a career as an FBI agent was open to women.

Austria Gave The Ottoman Turks The Greatest Taunt of All Time

Christian Europe teamed up to prevent the Ottoman empire's expansion through Vienna.

13 Female Scientists Who Shaped Our Understanding of the World

From the smallest atoms to the biggest adventures in space, these women used their scientific knowledge to change the world.

5 Things That Surprised The German Army On D-Day

The German army may not have been surprised by an attack, but the Allied forces had a few tricks ready to go.

The Northernmost Confederate Attack was a Raid on Vermont

St Albans Raid was one of the most controversial events in the Civil War.

Rachel Carson's Books Defined an Environmental Revolution

Five authors carry on the legacy of Carson's five iconic books.

9 Little-Known Facts About the History of Memorial Day

Trace the history of America's national day of remembrance.

This Was the Unluckiest U-Boat of World War II

Not only could the U-505 not sink other boats, its crew couldn't even sink the submarine themselves.

[CLOSED] Win an Inside Look at The Curse of Oak Island

Randall Sullivan's new book is the perfect complement for any history buff. 

A Veteran Soldier Perfected The Ultimate Bank Robbery

Turns out discipline and intense planning lend themselves equally well to army life and grand larceny.