Military History Articles

There’s no way around it; history has been shaped by the outcome of innumerable wars and battles fought over everything from religion to territorial disputes to outright revenge over a perceived injustice. Learning about these conflicts is vital to understanding the world we live in today.

Our military coverage spans the ancient world through the Cold War. Discover epic medieval clashes, or fierce battles that caused entire ancient civilizations to crumble. Examine the political intricacies of sprawling conflicts like the Seven Years’ War or the War of Spanish Succession. Explore the devastation of the World Wars, or the fresh conflicts they left in their wake.

There’s also the fascinating evolution of weapons from the Stone Age through the nuclear arms race, as well as the changing military theories and strategies (or lack thereof) powering key decisions. Or you can discover a unique study of how contagious diseases have impacted the outcome of every war in America’s history, from skirmishes with Native Americans to 20th-century biological warfare. 

True stories about the people who fought these conflicts put a human face to the cost of war. You can learn about the Soviet Union’s Night Witches (an all-female regiment of fighter pilots), discover the Mapuche people’s centuries-long military resistance against the Spanish conquistadors, or read war books written by those who were actually there. Whatever draws you into military history, we’re exploring every angle of the conflicts that caused empires to rise and fall, reshaping our world in the process.


33 Unbelievable Photos from the Battle of Okinawa

Operation Iceberg was a hugely costly battle for America during WWII. Explore the scene through these historical photos.

6 Illuminating Books About the Reconstruction Era

Explore how the most violent conflict in American history led to a defining period for the country, and its influence on our current era.

Meet the Japanese Diplomat Who Saved 6,000 Jewish People from the Holocaust

Chiune Sugihara is believed to have saved five times as many lives as his more famous counterpart, Oskar Schindler.

Harriet Tubman was the First Woman to Lead a U.S. Military Operation

Tubman led 150 men in a military operation that freed 750 enslaved people and wreaked havoc on Confederate troops.

The Battle of Aqaba—and T.E. Lawrence—Shaped the Future of the Middle East

Neil Faulkner explores how a historian's insight impacted the development of the Middle East, in Lawrence of Arabia's War.

This Once-Enslaved Woman Disguised Herself as a Man to Enlist in the U.S. Army

Cathay Williams was inspired to join the U.S. Army during her time pressed into service in the Civil War.

The British Struck an Early Resounding Blow in the American Revolution

During the early Battle of Long Island, a British victory left American forces dejected.

Life Aboard WWII Submarines Was Brutal

The size of the submarines, a lack of ventilation, and the novelty of submarine warfare led to some uncomfortable situations.

Joseph Tachovsky Unearths His Father's Startling Military History

We sat down for a special Father's Day-themed interview with the author of 40 Thieves on Saipan.

8 Gripping Audiobooks That Offer an Escape from the News

These glimpses into the past will help you cope with the present.

The Real Terry and the Pirates: How the Sino-Japanese Struggle Became America’s War

A seminal cartoon presaged the American entrance into the Pacific Theater.

The Battle of Belleau Wood was One of WWI's Most Important, Forgotten Battles

The US Marines’ greatest stand came in the final months of World War I.

Germanicus: The Great Military Mind of Ancient Rome

Despite widespread adulation of Germanicus, many mysteries about the capable leader remain.

This Marine Came Back To His Family 5 Years After He Died

Ronald Ridgeway survived long years in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp.

TRAILER: Spike Lee Takes on Vietnam in Da 5 Bloods

The acclaimed director's next film will drop on Netflix on June 12.

Grant and Twain: How Two American Icons Relived the War in Literature

The Confederate deserter and the victorious Union general shared their reminisces with each other and the country.

One War Ends, Another Soldiers On: V-E Day 75 Years Later

Continents continued to shift and war went on even as people around the world celebrated.