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Travel the world via historical sites that will occupy your mind, eyes, and body. From places frozen in the past like Chernobyl to those with history and present layered atop one another, you'll find new views here.

11 Infamous Hoaxes That Fooled the World

What’s better than a true story? A story that’s too good to be true.

The Cambridge Five Spy Ring Passed WWII Secrets to the Soviet Union

Recruited straight out of university, these British intelligence officers were secretly moles.

The Best Biographies of 2022

Take a closer look at history's most influential figures.

The Best History Books of 2022

Don't miss these vital glimpses into the past.

8 Eye-Opening Books About Colonialism

European empires once controlled most of the globe—what's their legacy?

The Real History Behind 5 Famous Military Photographs

These iconic images summed up entire wars in the public imagination.

Virginia Hall, the Allies' Most Dangerous Spy

Nicknamed the "Limping Lady", she was not to be underestimated.

These Oral History Books Share Firsthand Perspectives

Hear directly from people who lived through historical events.

Explore the Fascinating Life of Britain's Newest Leader, King Charles

He spent years with an up-close look at what it's like to rule Britain—and now the responsibility rests on his shoulders.

The Greatest History (and Beyond) Books for Dads of All Types

Dad's always gifted three copies of the latest history bestseller? Try these recommendations to find him something new.