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Travel the world via historical sites that will occupy your mind, eyes, and body. From places frozen in the past like Chernobyl to those with history and present layered atop one another, you'll find new views here.

The Great Game: Russia and Britain's Imperialistic Rivalry

They fought for influence in Central Asia throughout the 19th century.

Delve into the Deadly, Insurmountable Odds of Custer’s Last Stand

This unexpected U.S. defeat was the most significant action of the Great Sioux War of 1876.

8 Intriguing New History Books for Summer and Fall 2023

There’s no time like the present to dive into the past. 

The Centuries-Long History of Striking in the U.S.

For hundreds of years, protests nationwide have fought passionately for workers’ rights. 

The Best Hulu Documentaries Streaming Right Now

Learn more about historical events of the past and present from the comfort of your couch.

In 1708, the Spanish Galleon San José Sank—And So Did Its Treasure

Somewhere off the coast of Colombia, a treasure worth billions lies on the ocean floor.

This Civil War Amputee Led the First Expedition Through the Grand Canyon

Learn about the eventful life of John Wesley Powell—professor, Civil War veteran, and explorer of the American West. 

8 Books About the Renaissance, From Art to Politics

A period of "rebirth" that continues to fascinate.

The Wager Mutiny, an 18th-Century Sensation

The shipwreck and mutiny was followed by a court martial.