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History is waiting to be discovered.

Whether you’re searching for the best book recommendations or sifting through tales of the past, we’ve got all the history stories you need to satisfy your curiosity.


Queens, New York is Home to a Hidden Civil War Fort

Originally designed to defend the East River, Fort Totten is now open to the public.

A Canadian Officer Rescued the Real Winnie-the-Pooh

The beloved children’s book character was based on a real-life black bear cub.

Beyond Pearl Harbor: 5 Times the U.S. Was Attacked at Home During WWII

World War II extended beyond Europe, northern Africa, and the Pacific Theater...

Army Engineers Saw a Need in WWII. One Iconic Vehicle was Created to Fill It

Jeeps come by their rugged reputation honestly—after all, they were created to assist troops in WWII.

This War of 1812 Vet Saw the Battle of Gettysburg from his Porch... and Joined It

John Burns showed his commitment to the United States—and its union—until his final days.

Before the BFG: Roald Dahl, Air Menace To Axis Forces

The children's author's macabre sense of humor and appreciation of darkness were likely sharpened by his combat history.

Genghis Khan's Tomb, Lost to This Day, is Protected by an Ancient Tribe of Nomads

Though even they don't know the tomb's precise location, the Darkhad continue to keep their leader's final resting place a treasured secret.

World History's Stupidest Wars Include One Fought Over a Pig

Pigs, buckets, and dogs were flash points for conflicts that could have been easily avoided.

33 Unbelievable Photos from the Battle of Okinawa

Operation Iceberg was a hugely costly battle for America during WWII. Explore the scene through these historical photos.

Meet the Japanese Diplomat Who Saved 6,000 Jewish People from the Holocaust

Chiune Sugihara is believed to have saved five times as many lives as his more famous counterpart, Oskar Schindler.

Harriet Tubman was the First Woman to Lead a U.S. Military Operation

Tubman led 150 men in a military operation that freed 750 enslaved people and wreaked havoc on Confederate troops.

This Once-Enslaved Woman Disguised Herself as a Man to Enlist in the U.S. Army

Cathay Williams was inspired to join the U.S. Army during her time pressed into service in the Civil War.

Life Aboard WWII Submarines Was Brutal

The size of the submarines, a lack of ventilation, and the novelty of submarine warfare led to some uncomfortable situations.

The Dirty Truth of Medieval Knighthood

Being a knight wasn't really about wooing fair maidens or grand quests—it was hard, dirty work.