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History is waiting to be discovered.

Whether you’re searching for the best book recommendations or sifting through tales of the past, we’ve got all the history stories you need to satisfy your curiosity.


How American GIs Brought Spam to the World

The canned meat gained popularity during WWII and evolved into a cultural icon.

The Last Charge of the Bicycle Brigade

The humble bicycle had a suprisingly important role in both world wars.

Your Handy Viewing Guide to Military Episodes of The Simpsons

The long-running sitcom that lampoons American life has focused on warfare more than once.

A British Woman Was Convicted Under a Witchcraft Law During WWII

Helen Duncan claimed she had learned classified military information through her psychic powers.

Polish Eagle Scouts Stole a Tank and Liberated a Concentration Camp During WWII

A battalion of teenagers risked their lives to free Jewish prisoners.

The Unparalleled Power of the Praetorian Guard of Rome

Meet the infamous bodyguards of the Roman Empire—and find out how they lost their once-legendary power.

13 Old School War Movies Every Trooper Needs To Watch

Bring military action home to your couch with these classic war films.

The 5 Most Humiliating Defeats In Military History

Superior numbers sometimes just mean a chance at superior embarrassment.