History is waiting to be discovered.

Whether you’re searching for the best book recommendations or sifting through tales of the past, we’ve got all the history stories you need to satisfy your curiosity.


What Does The World Health Organization Actually Do?

Created in the wake of WWII, WHO has changed the world many times over.

Can A Pandemic Turn The Tide Of War?

History has proven the power of unchecked disease many times before.

Explore History's Deadliest Diseases

Thanks to the advances of modern medicine, coronavirus shouldn't join their ranks.

Business Adventures: An Intimate Glimpse Into Corporate America

The timeless classic is Bill Gates’s favorite business book of all time.

Ride the Brain Wave With Humble Bundle’s Latest Non-Fiction Offerings

Support EveryLibrary and get up to 28 books for as little as one dollar.

How The Allies Used Math To Save Bomber Crews During WWII

One Austrian Jew saved untold planes and crew members with his survivorship bias theory.

Discover Labor Day's History and Origins from its Industrial Revolution Roots to Today

These 10 facts illuminate the reasons behind our day off in September.

Apollo 11, 50 Years Later: The Space Race That Defined a Decade

Alight on the lunar surface alongside Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

13 Female Scientists Who Shaped Our Understanding of the World

From the smallest atoms to the biggest adventures in space, these women used their scientific knowledge to change the world.

Rachel Carson's Books Defined an Environmental Revolution

Five authors carry on the legacy of Carson's five iconic books.

More Than a Scientist: The Lesser-Known Life of Sir Isaac Newton

Taking the post of Warden of His Majesty’s Mint in 17th-century London, Newton came face-to-face with seedy criminals. 

Moonshot: That Time American Intelligence Collected Soviet Communication Signals Via the Moon

In 1960, a U-2 spy plane captured images of a massive and mysterious antenna in Soviet Russia...

Jim Jamison: The U.S. Corporal Who Sought Out Scientists in Post-Nazi Germany

Jamison was part of a top-secret program, similar to Operation Paperclip, that recruited German scientists to work for the U.S. government after World War II.

NASA, the "Challenger" Disaster, and How One Phone Call Could Have Saved the Crew

NASA veteran, Hugh Harris, examines the "Challenger" disaster that occurred on January 28, 1986, and what we’ve learned from it.

The Vanishing Crew of the Carroll A. Deering

The crew and their belongings had disappeared for good.

How the Pinkerton Detectives Took Down Chicago Grave Robbers in 1857

The infamous agency got its start protecting corpses from professional body snatchers.