Whether you’re searching for the best book recommendations or sifting through tales of the past, we’ve got all the history stories you need to satisfy your curiosity.
The specter of cannibalism overshadows many other fascinating facts about the emigrants.
By Dave Adams & Kasey Noss
Read up on the men, women, and children who braved hazardous frontiers for a chance at new life.
The pioneer and frontiersman helped settle Kentucky.
He had a passion for the American West.
Before the USPS, mail was transported on horseback.
By Orrin Grey
National Treasure was onto something with the writing on the back.
Now little-known, these incidents once shocked voters.
By Orrin Grey
Do you know which one ended up in jail?
By Orrin Grey
They were more than a stuffy group of old men—in fact, many of them were young and rowdy.
They met an unexpected foe.
By Team Mighty
Find out why his likeness is still on the $10 bill.
By Orrin Grey
This little-known figure had a short but fascinating life.
By Lee D'Amato
Was the anarchist plot real, or just a frenzy of paranoia?
This early conflict between colonists and Native Americans had unexpected consequences.
By Orrin Grey
The Corps of Discovery set out to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Territory.
By Lee D'Amato
This little-known confrontation turned deadly.
By Lee D'Amato
Many Americans today are unfamiliar with this significant armed conflict.
By Orrin Grey
Is it true that history is written by the victors?
By Orrin Grey
Discover new perspectives on early immigration, colonial cuisine, pirates, and more.
By Grace Felder