History is waiting to be discovered.

Whether you’re searching for the best book recommendations or sifting through tales of the past, we’ve got all the history stories you need to satisfy your curiosity.


Why the Civil War Battle Between the Monitor and the Merrimack Was So Epic

For hours, the two ships blasted away at each other at so close a range they collided five times.

5 Reasons John Bell Hood Was the Worst Civil War General

If there is one general that could be considered as having single-handedly lost the Civil War for the Confederates, it’s John Bell Hood.

The Evolution of Infantry Foods

"Foods are going to our fighting men. They come first!"

The Third Delta Sniper You Didn’t See in Black Hawk Down

The movie overlooks the third Delta sniper who was aboard Super Six-Two, Sgt. 1st Class Brad Halling.

Navajo Code Talker John Kinsel Sr. Passes Away at 107

The clandestine communication of the Navajo saved lives on the battlefield and was vital to success in the Pacific.

The Poem That Launched D-Day for the French Resistance

The French Resistance listened to the BBC intently for signals. When they heard this poem, they knew D-Day was imminent.

This Olympic Event Is Based on Soldier Skills

The Pentathlon has evolved over time, but its military roots remain constant.

Tun Tavern, Birthplace of the Marine Corps, to Be Rebuilt

While the original Tun Tavern no longer exists, plans to recreate it are underway.

Why Cats Were the Perfect Companions in the Trenches of WWI

Throughout the trench systems that ran along the Western Front, there were an estimated 500,000 cats—here’s why.

Is Blackbeard’s Treasure Real?

300 years later, his infamous treasure is still lost.

The 4 Most Revolutionary Types of Armor Throughout History

These inventive methods of protection may surprise you.

The Germans Had Their Own "Mad General" Who Rode Into Combat in a Kilt

You may have heard of “Mad Jack” Churchill, but the Germans also had a fearsome kilt-wearing soldier.