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Modern History Stories

So much has happened in the past decade alone, but what got us here? Humanity has evolved in so many ways in the modern era. From the Industrial Revolution to the invention of the iPhone, from the Space Race to SpaceX, from last century's influenza pandemic to Covid-19, there’s a lot to cover. These stories attempt to recount how we’ve gotten to where we are and the rapid change that took place within the last few centuries.


9 Essential War of 1812 Books

Engage with the oft-forgotten Second War of Independence.

The Wild West's Toughest Lawman Was Born A Slave

Bass Reeves was the first black deputy marshal west of the Mississippi–and one of the most beloved.

10 Fascinating Ghost Towns Around the World You Can Visit

Decaying buildings, sand-swept streets, and a sense of suspended time make these towns well worth a visit.

An Awful Car Killed More Nazi Generals Than World War II

The car of the future was also the downfall of many a high-ranking Nazi.

Chesty Puller: The Life and Quotes of a Beloved Marine Legend

From the hilarious to heartfelt, take a look at eight quotes from the accomplished Marine.

The Union Saved An Ironclad By Deploying $9 Trash Decoy

The USS Indianola was pressed into service before her completion, yet she managed to serve with honor–and be the subject of a thrilling rescue mission.

The Ghost Army: How One WWII Unit Fooled the Entire German Army

A misinformation campaign was vital to the Allied forces' efforts.

Apollo 11, 50 Years Later: The Space Race That Defined a Decade

Alight on the lunar surface alongside Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

This Is The Biggest Victory Natives Scored Against The Colonials

Westward expansion wasn't a simple matter of packing your bags and moving out.

This First-Hand Account Brings You Inside the Hotel Rwanda

According to the hit film, Hôtel des Mille Collines was a refuge during the Rwandan Genocide. One of its residents claims otherwise in this memoir.

10 World War II Propaganda Posters: From Patriotic to Peculiar

Uncover iconic illustrations that helped fuel national opinion during World War II.

How War Pigeons Changed the Course of Battle–and History

The much-maligned birds were some of the most important combatants in World War I and II.

World War II Dive Bombers Whistled Only To Scare Civilians

That iconic, terrifying sound wasn't necessary to the functioning of an airplane.

8 Powerful Korean War Books that Capture the Conflict

These dynamic critiques, vivid memoirs, and clearsighted military histories illuminate the Forgotten War.

13 Female Scientists Who Shaped Our Understanding of the World

From the smallest atoms to the biggest adventures in space, these women used their scientific knowledge to change the world.

5 Things That Surprised The German Army On D-Day

The German army may not have been surprised by an attack, but the Allied forces had a few tricks ready to go.

The Northernmost Confederate Attack was a Raid on Vermont

St Albans Raid was one of the most controversial events in the Civil War.

Rachel Carson's Books Defined an Environmental Revolution

Five authors carry on the legacy of Carson's five iconic books.