Xavier Piedra is a graduate from New York University where he studied Journalism and English. Xavier’s work has previously appeared in Out Magazine, The Daily Beast, Mashable, and Billboard Pride. As a full-time French Bulldog and drag queen enthusiast, Xavier’s lifetime goal is to own two Frenchies who will star alongside him in future drag performances.
These documentaries provide insight into the political and daily realities of war.
Give yourself the most colorful history lesson ever.
Justices have reversed course numerous times throughout the years.
The shores of Dunkirk and the Korean countryside await...
Rediscover what America has meant from 1776 to the modern day.
From the hilarious to heartfelt, take a look at eight quotes from the accomplished Marine.
According to the hit film, Hôtel des Mille Collines was a refuge during the Rwandan Genocide. One of its residents claims otherwise in this memoir.
Uncover iconic illustrations that helped fuel national opinion during World War II.
These dynamic critiques, vivid memoirs, and clearsighted military histories illuminate the Forgotten War.
New York's first and only legislative divorce was granted to Eunice Chapman in 1818, along with custody of her children.