Where to begin in a discussion of European history? So much has taken place on the continent, where we can trace back the culture and influence of the Western World.
Whether your interest is piqued by ancient, medieval, or modern European history, we’ve got you covered. Fascinated by the Roman empire? Discover the worst emperors to have ruled over it, the Great Fire of Rome that nearly destroyed the city, and how the Sack of Rome at the hands of mercenaries ushered in a new era. Can’t get enough of the medieval period? It’s not all dragons and elves here; rather, we’re doing a deep dive into famous rebellions (such as the Peasants’ Revolt and the Germans Peasants’ War), the bloody Crusades, and the real historical origins of the mythical wizard Merlin.
Finally, we reach modern European history. Prepare to be surprised by the tidbits you’ll learn about the Napoleonic Wars, the French Revolution, and other major events from the early modern period. Perhaps you’re curious about legendary historical figures. From Winston Churchill quotes to Marie Antoinette’s downfall, there’s no shortage of knowledge about influential European people in our archives.
Learn about the talented and inspiring figures who shaped classical music.
By Aviva Kaplan
They were imprisoned in the Tower of London as young children, but what happened next is unclear.
By Orrin Grey
Discover the best of March.
A supernatural crime was still subject to due process—even if the verdict was usually guilty.
Journey through time to Europe's Middle Ages.
From Roman rule to the Tudor period and beyond.
Powdered skulls and gruesome remedies abounded in early modern Europe.
These satirical drawings reveal the debates that dominated bygone eras.
By Orrin Grey & Aviva Kaplan
Some children's poems have ominous undertones.
By Orrin Grey
The “V for Victory” campaign was introduced by the Allies to boost wartime morale.
Delve into every angle of World War I.
By Orrin Grey, Dave Adams & Kasey Noss
The Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation played an important role in European history.
Living during a tumultuous era of German history, they looked to the stories of the past.
She went to great lengths to join the British Army and the Royal Marines.
From 1900 to the postwar years, Churchill was acquainted with 11 US presidents.
Britain and Iceland engaged in conflict over fishing rights for decades.
With World War I's end came a reckoning and a chance to rebuild.
Think you know WW1? Think again.
Author Maria Laurino recently appeared on 60 Minutes to discuss this devastating story.
By Kasey Noss