Read about a hard-fought battle that was supposed to be won in only four days.
It launched many careers and brought Shakespeare to Harlem.
From artwork to a rudimentary analog computer and beyond.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away…there was a massive misunderstanding!
They fought for influence in Central Asia throughout the 19th century.
The award-winning physicist faced opposition.
This unexpected U.S. defeat was the most significant action of the Great Sioux War of 1876.
We'll be seeing Dr. Mary Edwards Walker on coinage in 2024.
For hundreds of years, protests nationwide have fought passionately for workers’ rights.
Somewhere off the coast of Colombia, a treasure worth billions lies on the ocean floor.
Learn about the eventful life of John Wesley Powell—professor, Civil War veteran, and explorer of the American West.
Find out why his likeness is still on the $10 bill.
The shipwreck and mutiny was followed by a court martial.
These leaders looked outside science and established religion for answers.