
Kelsey Christine McConnell

Dipping a toe into all forms of media, Kelsey Christine McConnell received her bachelor’s degree in Film and Television Production from San Diego State University and her MFA in Musical Theatre Writing from NYU. She got her start in the online editorial world by reviewing and analyzing the social impact of comic books. While an avid reader and writer in her downtime, she’s also a big movie buff and proud dog mom. She gets all of her best ideas from her sleep paralysis demon. Find her debut short story "A Greed of Flesh" in the erotic horror anthology Les Petites Morts from Ghost Orchid Press.|@TheMcKelsey

Worst Roman Emperors, from Incompetent to Insane

These bad boys of history give Rome a bad name.

10 War Books That Enlighten, Move, and Educate Their Readers

These books examine the burdens of battle, from the Revolutionary War to modern day Iraq.

Axis Sally: The American Voice of Nazi Germany

A treasonous radio personality despised by US forces.

Paul Robeson: Artist and Activist

The legendary performer carved a path of politics and persistence.

Harriet Tubman: The Facts of an Extraordinary Life

The woman who helped hundreds of enslaved people find freedom.

Valley Forge: The Bootcamp That Turned Around the American Revolution

The Continental Army rose from winter devastation to become a force to be reckoned with.

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10 Illuminating Books About Ancient Greece

Gain insight into the civilization that sculpted today's society.

Day of Infamy: Inside the Destruction of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor

Historian Walter Lord recounts the bombing of major U.S. battleships and the heroics of the men on board.

Women in World War II Were Even Braver Than You Realize

While their men fought on the front lines, women fought their own battle at home and in the workforce—and helped bring the Allied Powers to victory.

Hal Moore: Soldier, Veteran, Author

Lieutenant General Hal Moore left behind the legacy of a brave soul and a kind heart.

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: The Story Behind the Lakota Massacre

Memorialize the lives lost at Wounded Knee with the story behind Dee Brown's iconic work.

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Showing 61-76 of 76 results