History is waiting to be discovered.

Whether you’re searching for the best book recommendations or sifting through tales of the past, we’ve got all the history stories you need to satisfy your curiosity.


3 Black Historians Who Made Strides in Their Field

They archived Black history and broke barriers along the way.

9 Historical Political Cartoons That Capture the Hopes and Fears of the Past

These satirical drawings reveal the debates that dominated bygone eras.

The Rise and Fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy

His impassioned allegations of communism made him the face of the Red Scare.

The Little-Known First Assassination Attempt on John F. Kennedy

Three years before his actual assassination, JFK was the target of a different secret plot to take his life.

The Cod Wars Troubled Ships in the North Atlantic

Britain and Iceland engaged in conflict over fishing rights for decades.

Thought-Provoking Books to Read for World Philosophy Day

These reads support critical thinking and empathy for more fulfilling lives.

10 Vital Books About Voting in America

With election season upon us, we're looking to the past and future of voting.

10 Inspiring Books by and About Muckrakers

These courageous 19th-century journalists changed the field—and the country—forever. 

The Battle of Hastings Defined the 11th Century

Harold II and William I clashed in an epic battle.

Commoners Revolted During the Moscow Salt Riot of 1648

Delve into this uprising of Russian commoners and the salt tax that ignited it.

The Complex History of Sportswashing 

Are international sporting events designed to draw attention away from controversial issues facing the world?

Catherine Parr Was King Henry VIII's Last Wife

She's the subject of a new historical film, Firebrand.

What Happened at Stonewall?

How an unremarkable bar became a historic LGBTQ+ landmark.  

How FDR Became the Only President Elected To Serve Four Terms

Why was Roosevelt allowed to remain in office for 12 years? 

8 Engrossing Books About Supreme Court Justices

Learn more about the people and decisions that made history.

8 Crucial Books on Human Rights

From the postwar years to today.

7 Early American Political Scandals 

Now little-known, these incidents once shocked voters.