A Medieval Village Lost to the Tides of Times is Resurfacing

The 13th-century village Fabbriche di Careggine has been underwater since 1946.

fabbriche di careggine, surrounded by water
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Leggende Lucchesi / Vimeo

In the hills and valleys of Tuscany, you’ll find a scenic lake, Lago di Vagli. It may look untouched by humanity, but a secret lurks beneath its surface. In 1946, Enel, an Italian energy company, filled the valley with water to create an artificial basin to help power its hydroelectric power—and in so doing, they covered a medieval village with 34 million cubic meters of water.

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The town of Fabbriche di Careggine, which was first populated in the 13th century, still had residents at the time of its watery end. Those residents were moved to a new town on the edge of the lake, Vagli di Sotto. But the buildings, made of stone that has weathered centuries, remained.

Since its sinking, the town has resurfaced four times during dam maintenance, leaving an eerie sight as the ancient bell tower, houses, and cemetery rise up from the water. The last time it rose from the waters was 1994—and now a new maintenance date for 2021 has been set.

This infrequent vista will be a welcome one across the world, as a water-logged ghost town rises to the surface. For more information, please visit VisitTuscany.com.

Feature photo via Leggende Lucchesi / Vimeo