This April, Visit National Parks from the Comfort of Your Own Home

The National Park Service celebrates National Park Week.

Image of Yosemite National Park
camera-iconPhoto Credit: Dimitry B. / Flickr (CC)

April 18th through the 26th is National Park Week, but with most of us stuck inside in self-isolation, it can be hard to find a way to celebrate the natural beauty of the world. Luckily, the National Park Service has come up with the perfect solution: This year, nature lovers can take virtual tours of their favorite national parks during this annual celebration. Available online tours include the Virgin Islands National Park, the Crater Lake National Park, the National Mall and Memorial Parks, and the Yosemite National Park (pictured above), among others. 

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But virtual tours won't be the only great service offered during National Park Week. Other exciting and innovative online experiences include scavenger hunts, trivia games, and junior ranger programs.

On the official National Park Service website, anyone who’s suffering from a bit of cabin fever can utilize their rife resources on the sights and sounds of parks. There are also plenty of fun and engaging videos, webcams, and games on the site. The National Park Foundation is doing their part by offering suggestions for a series of home-based park activities.

The NPS is also encouraging nature lovers to share pictures, videos, and memories of their times in a National Park across social media with #FindYourVirtualPark. We'll be checking for great stories and images regularly, and hope to see your contributions there.

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Keep an eye out for the fun daily themes of National Park Week, like Junior Ranger Day, Friendship Friday, or Bark Ranger Day. For more information on the virtual tours available, visit the National Park Week website here. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to explore the heritage and wonders of the world from the comfort of your own home!

Featured image: Dimitry B. / Flickr (CC)